Posts Tagged ‘health’

Do drink the water

Friday, October 15th, 2010

This year’s Blog Action Day topic is water. So I thought I’d take the opportunity to share how grateful I am to have access to some of the world’s best drinking water.

But first, I want to talk about phones. Have you noticed the disappearance of public telephones? And how the remaining ones are falling into serious disrepair? This is a direct result of the migration to cel phones for those who can afford it. The fact that more and more of us don’t use public telephones allows them to vanish and fall into disrepair. As we use them less, the phone companies uninstall them to save money, while our lowered awareness of the remaining phones leads to less maintenance.

The ones who lose out are the economically disadvantaged. If you can’t afford a cel phone then you get to use the public phone a mile away if it wasn’t destroyed or barfed on by the last user. Complaining won’t do much good either as the phone company doesn’t see them as much of a profit opportunity anymore. Economic disadvantage leads to communication disadvantage while the wealthy move on to greener pastures.

What, you may wonder, does this have to do with water? It’s simple, the best way to protect the water supply is to drink from it. (more…)


Sunday, October 10th, 2010

There’s a mode of thinking that says that if you want to do well or survive in this world you need to engage in positivity. The idea goes that if you spend all of your time dwelling on negative thoughts you won’t succeed at anything.

It makes some sense to me. I know that when I’m focusing on the negative I’m less motivated or willing to see the point in going forward with any goal. But I think a distinction needs to be made between positive intention and ignorant optimism.

Success in the face of adversity does require a positive belief that we can make our ideas into reality. But without the willingness to check that there is still ground beneath our feet we could be happily running straight over the cliff’s edge. (more…)

Let the games begin!

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Olympic RingsBack in 2003, I voted against Vancouver hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics. Our new mayor had run on a platform that included a referendum on whether we should hold the Olympics, even though the IOC had already awarded them to the city. I don’t think such an Olympic referendum had ever occurred before and I imagine the IOC will do whatever they can to ensure it doesn’t again. Either way, history speaks for itself and we are now just over 3 weeks from the opening ceremonies.

Now, up until recently I thought I’d just get out of the city while the games were on. I don’t really have an interest in viewing the events and figured the mess wouldn’t be worth staying for. But recently my opinion has begun to change. I’m actually getting excited about this!


Don’t get kidney stones

Friday, January 4th, 2008

Enough said.

Ethical conditioning

Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

I tend to believe that ethics is a sort of sense, a faculty that is developed by making sound and unsound choices and gaining experience from living through the results.

Those aspects of an action (mental, vocal, or physical) that lead to benefit of any sort for any being push the action toward the ethical end of a scale, while harm of any sort to any being push it towards the unethical. In this sense most choices have some mix of the two and it is often the case that we find ourselves having to compromise, though generally through lack of awareness of the true nature of the situation.
